Source: authentication-types-dal.js

const AuthenticationTypes = require('../sequelize-model').AuthenticationTypes,
    tryCatch = require('../../common/util/functions-utils');

 * @module
module.exports = {

     * Returns all existing authentication types.
     * @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
    get: () => tryCatch(() => AuthenticationTypes.findAll()),

     * Returns all active authentication types.
     * @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
    getActive: () => tryCatch(() => AuthenticationTypes.findAll({ where: { active: 1 } })),
     * Changes the active bit of the specified authentication
     * @param {string} protocol
     * @param {string} idp
     * @param {int} active
     * @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
    changeActive: (protocol, idp, active) => tryCatch(() => AuthenticationTypes.update({active}, { where: {protocol, idp } })),
     * Returns the specified authentication type if it is currently active
     * @param {string} protocol
     * @param {string} idp
     * @returns {*}
    getByName: (protocol,idp)=> AuthenticationTypes.findAll({where:{protocol, idp, active:1}}),
