Source: users-roles-dal.js

    { Role, User, UserRoles } = require('../sequelize-model'),
    tryCatch = require('../../common/util/functions-utils');

 * @module
module.exports = {

     * Associate a user with a role, the parameters user and role represent the user id and the role id, the endDate determines when the association between
     * that role and that user will expire and the active bit will turn into 0.
     * @param {int} user
     * @param {int} role
     * @param {Date} startDate
     * @param {Date} end_date
     * @param {int} updater
     * @param {int} active
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    create: async (user, role, startDate, end_date, updater, active) => tryCatch(() =>
        UserRoles.create({UserId: user, RoleId: role, start_date: startDate, end_date, updater, active})),
     * Changes the active bit of the association between the user UserId and the role RoleId, according to the provided newState
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
     * @param {int} UserId
     * @param {int} RoleId
     * @param {int} newState
    changeActiveFlag: (UserId, RoleId, newState) => tryCatch(() => UserRoles.update({ active: newState }, { where: { UserId, RoleId } })),
     * Returns all the associations that have the active bit to 1
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    getActive: () => tryCatch(UserRoles.findAll({ where: { active: 1 } })),
     * Returns all the associations that have the active bit to 1 of a specific user
     * @param {int} id
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    getUserActiveRoles: id => tryCatch(() => UserRoles.findAll({ where: { UserId: id, active: 1 }, include: [Role], raw: true  })),
     * Return all associations between user and role of the role with the id=roleId.
     * @param {int} RoleId
     * @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
    getByRole: RoleId => tryCatch(() => UserRoles.findAll({ where: { RoleId}, include: [User], raw: true })),

     * Returns all the associations
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    get: () => tryCatch(() => UserRoles.findAll({ raw: true })),
     * Return a specific association by its id
     * @param {int} id
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    getById: id => tryCatch(() => UserRoles.findByPk(id)),
     * Return all associations between user and role of the user with the id=userId.
     * @param {int} userId
     * @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
    getByUser: userId => tryCatch(async () => {
        const users = await UserRoles.findAll({ where: { UserId: userId }, include: [Role], raw: true });
        return => {
            const {'Role.role': role, 'Role.parent_role': parentRole,'': unused,}=user;
            return {role,parentRole,};
     * Deletes the association between the user with UserId and the role with RoleId.
     * @param {int} UserId
     * @param {int} RoleId
     * @returns {Promise<{deletedRows: Promise<Object|Error>}>}
    delete: (UserId, RoleId) => Promise.resolve({deletedRows: tryCatch(() => UserRoles.destroy({ where: {UserId, RoleId},individualHooks: true }))}),
     * Changes the start_date, endDate, active and updater of the association between the user with id=user and the role with id=role.
     * @param {int} user
     * @param {int} role
     * @param {Date} start_date
     * @param {Date} end_date
     * @param {int} active
     * @param {int} updater
     * @returns {Promise<{end_date: *, active: *, updatedRows: (Object|Error), updater: *}>}
    update: async (user, role, start_date, end_date, active,updater) => Promise.resolve({
            await tryCatch(() => UserRoles.update({start_date, end_date, active, updater}, { where: { UserId: user, RoleId: role } })),
        end_date, active, updater,